Soon, the time will come when the power of one may change the destiny of many.

A human damned to immortality, bound forever by the power of the blood runes… Now, only a few years after the end of the Convocation, evil is back – stronger and more powerful than ever before – to finish what was started. All that was left were a few islands, connected by magic portals. Huge armies, bound by the the power of ancient runes, brought war and destruction to the lands that survived the initial onslaught. Continents shattered like glass, the pieces strewn about like leaves in the wind. Entire countries were wiped out in the blink of an eye when the devastating power of the Elements was unleashed – Elements summoned by dark rituals. In their immeasurable greed and constant thirst for power, the thirteen most powerful Mages of all time doomed the land, hurling it into an endless spiral of chaos and despair. With this you will start to build up new production facilities, test yourself in challenging sea battles where you will face off against pirates as well as political enemies to finally become the Doge of Venice.

As you progress through the ranks of Venetian society, increasing your power with smart trading moves and calling in the occasional favour you can begin to assemble your own fleet. As a young man striving for success, power and wealth and with the support of your family, you begin to build up a trading empire across Genua, Tripoli, Rome, Alexandria and Constantinople in addition to many other significant cities from the Renaissance. It was also the stage for political corruptions and clandestine dealings. Renowned as the linchpin of civilization and the cultural centre of Europe, Venice was the most important trading post between Western Europe and the eastern stretch of the Mediterranean Sea. Venice was at the peak of its power during the Renaissance and was viewed as a city of decadence, beauty and intrigue.